Set up Surfshark on LibreELEC with Kodi add-on

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure a Surfshark VPN tunnel on LibreELEC with the Kodi add-on.

You will need a device running LibreELEC, a USB flash drive, and an active Surfshark subscription. You can find the available plans on Surfshark’s pricing page.


You will learn how to:

  1. Get your credentials
  2. Choose a Surfshark server
  3. Prepare your device
  4. Install the VPN Manager
  5. Configure the VPN Manager


Get your credentials

NOTE: These are not your regular credentials, such as your email and password.

  1. Enter the Surfshark login page and log in. Then, click on VPN > Manual Setup > Router > OpenVPN to generate your credentials.

  2. Once there, make sure that you are in the Credentials tab and click on Generate credentials.

    NOTE: Keep this tab open as we'll need it later.


Choose a Surfshark server


  1. Open the same page on another browser tab, go to the Locations tab, and locate the server that you wish to connect to.

  2. Click on the download icon to the right of the server name and click on Download UDP.



Prepare your device



Let’s install the Zomboided VPN Manager add-on to your Kodi.

NOTE: If you already have it, skip to Configure the VPN Manager section in this article.

  1. Download the Zomboided repository from here.

  2. Plug the USB flash into your PC and upload the Zomboided repository file (

  3. Upload the configuration file (refer to Choose a Surfshark server section in this article), so you don’t have to do that again later. 

  4. As you have uploaded all files to your USB memory stick, switch to your LibreELEC device (we assume you are doing that on Raspberry Pi). Power up your Raspberry Pi, plug in the USB drive, and open the Kodi interface.  


Install the VPN Manager


  1. Click the settings icon, open the File Manager, and select Add Source.

  2. You should see the USB drive option there. A prompt asking for the name of the repository may appear. You can name it a USB drive.

  3. Click Add-ons on the left pane of Kodi's home page, then click the Add-on browser icon.

  4. Select Install from zip file.

  5. Navigate to your USB drive folder, open it, and select the Zomboided repository file.

  6. Now go back to the previous menu and select Install from repository. Please navigate to the Zomboided add-on repository and select it.


  7. Click Services and choose the VPN Manager for OpenVPN.

  8. Click Install at the bottom of the next page.

  9. After the installation, go to Add-ons, and in the Program add-ons section, you should see the VPN Manager for OpenVPN icon.

Configure the VPN Manager


  1. Open the new VPN add-on, and in the first menu, select Add-on Settings.

  2. Make sure you’re on the VPN Configuration tab - the first tab on the left pane.

  3. Click on VPN Provider and navigate to the User Defined option.

  4. Enter your service credentials (refer to Get your credentials section in this article)
  5. Scroll down the menu until you find the User Defined import Wizard line. Click it.


  6. Click Yes to remove existing settings.

  7. Now, let’s upload the configuration files from your USB. Click the Directory button.

  8. Navigate to your USB drive and choose the configuration file(s) you wish to upload. Click OK.

  9. You will get a message that the importing is complete. Click OK again.

  10. Go back to the settings page and click the second tab on the left pane – VPN Connection. Select the first option – First VPN connection.

  11. Click on your configuration file and wait until it connects to the server.

  12. If everything is done correctly, a new window will pop up saying that you are successfully connected to our server. You will see your new IP address there.


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